Disc cultivator Superior G

Short disc cultivator is equipped with two rows of 61 cm diameter discs mounted on forged tines with maintenance-free bearings. Each pair of discs is protected against overloading by reliable system of rubber silentblocks which guarantees firm hold and precise trajectory for each working unit even in hard condition. Optimal working depth is up to 18 cm which makes the cultivator suitable for minimization technology, classic ploughing system or grassland revitalization.

The machine has been designed with respect to high throughput of soil and plant residues through the machine that is guaranteed by optimal distance between working sections. Strong frame and the finest components from top-class suppliers ensures maximal reliability and durability of the machine. Overall robust design and outstanding stability allows high operation speed up to 15 km/h that increases working performance.

Pros of Superior G:

  • Two rows of 610/600mm discs with extremely large spacing between rows ensures good throughtput of the residues
  • Great copying of the surface thanks to the 4 wings conception (including 1000 a 1200 version)
  • Forged double tines are suspended by rubber silentblock. It ensures a stable position of the tines even in hard condtions
  • Easy hydraulic machine adjustment = no electronic / no ISOBUS
  • Robust frame and heavy construction ensures good tillage even in hard dry conditions 

Function and another advantages:

  • Fast shallow stubble cultivation or deeper tillage up to 18cm
  • Intense mixing of residues
  • Presowing preparation
  • High working speed over 15km/h ensures a great mixing effect
  • A perfectly flat field left after the cultivation due to the sophisticated conception of the machine that consist of 4 wings 



 Good mixing effect and high speed provide good presowing preparation                  4 wings conception provides a great terrain copying


    Large spacing between the rows = Great throughput of the residues                             610/660mm discs are able to work up to 18 cm 

Spring crossboard helps to flatten field perfectly.
Spring crossboard helps to flatten field perfectly.
Working depth adjustment by clips and hydraulics.
Working depth adjustment by clips and hydraulics.
Discs mounted in couples to ensuref right working angle in all conditions.
Discs mounted in couples to ensuref right working angle in all conditions.
Wide axle for perfect transport stability.
Wide axle for perfect transport stability.
Side boards for flat field without the side ridges.
Side boards for flat field without the side ridges.
Locking of the side wings for a perfect surface copying
Locking of the side wings for a perfect surface copying

*Weight of machine with tubular roller.





No. of discs




Min. power output (kW)








Working width (cm)




Transport width (mm)




Max. working depth (cm)




Size of transport tires




Size of support wheels





Tubular roller

ø 540 mm

Standard type of roller

Standard crumbling effect

Spiral roller

ø 540 mm

Suitable for all soil types

Good levelling effect

Cracker roller

ø 540 mm

Suitable for all soil types without stones

Perfect crumbling effect

Spring roller

ø 530 mm

Suitable for all soil types

Low stickiness in wet conditions

DDL roller

ø 560 mm

Suitable for all soil types

Perfect cutting and crumbling effect

Perfect packing effect


Disc 610 mm Standard

Standard type

Mounted by 4 bolts

Thickness 6 mm

Disc 610 mm Labrador

Perfect cutting effect

Mounted by 4 bolts

Thickness 6 mm

Typy talířů

Disc 660 mm Labrador

Perfect cutting effect

Mounted by 6 bolts

Thickness 6 mm

Other accessories


Tines of profile 80x10 mm

Perfect levelling

Perfect crumbling

Hydraulic control of crosboard

Easy and quick control of crossboard aggression according to terrain conditions.

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